From Erika this week

I am excited to share a new story with the kids this coming Club Hope. I am writing a series that will allow the kids to be a part of each story and in the interaction come out learning a truth that will change their lives. How do I know? Because the truths have changed MY life!
Last month I shared with the kids story number one about some twins- a boy and a girl- who were gripped with fear. They had little knowledge of God, but knew they did not want to continue living a life of fear. When they learned that they could ask God for wisdom, they found he answered with some clues that led them to a mountain path. At the end of the path they found a road leading to the right and one to the left. Each road led to a castle- kingdoms that each had their own ruler. The kids in attendance (about 25!) got to play the part of the twins and question each ruler about their kingdom. When they asked I would first answer for the bad kingdom (not telling them which was which) and then answer for the good. I am telling the truth....I got so choked up answering some of the questions on behalf of the "good ruler" because I am so grateful to be a part of God's kingdom! My king, Jesus, is so close to me. Kids asked questions like: What can you do in your castle? How many people live there? What do you want in return? How many servants do you have? Do you have a lot of rules? How long have you been around? What kind of promises do you make? (I challenge you to think how you would answer!)

They were good questions and I was honored to answer on behalf of Jesus. When the final clue came drifting down on a piece of paper- it held the answer to the question about how to live without fear. 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. I was able to tell them that only one ruler actually loves all of his subjects and that it was HIS love that would drive away all of the twins' (and their own!) fears. They all decided that HIS kingdom was the one to choose!
Please pray for me as the story continues next Club Hope. This time they will learn about the Secret Place of the Most High. The place they can always go to be safe and find peace and true love.
These stories are coming from my own personal walk with Jesus. My mind goes to the tabernacle and the walk from the outer courts, to the Holy Place, and finally (thanks to the cross and the torn veil!) right into the Holy of Holies. I've imagined myself walking in there. There is no sickness, pain of any kind, hurt, fear, anxiety, or depression in that place. But it is a learned thing to get there. And He will be the one leading you there through the promises in His Word! I am opting to use the imagery of Psalm 91 (the secret place of the Most High) for the kids instead of the Tabernacle, but it is the same idea. I hope you let God's Word come alive for you!