February Recap

What happened at the HFK Mission in February…


On the first day of winter break, Erika, along with volunteers Heidi and Mariah, put on an event for girls ages 12-16. FOURTEEN girls came! It went from 11am-6pm….a full day! We had three sessions in the chapel, prayer for each girl individually, a tea party (made possible by Raquel), lunch, supper, a painting session, and lots of getting to know each other! 


Each month the kids hear a story about a set of twins that are learning how to be followers of Jesus. In the most recent lesson, the twins learned about David and how he was anointed king over Israel while he was still a shepherd boy and how he faced Goliath with the help of God and conquered him! Since the twins were anxious over an upcoming move, they were encouraged by David’s own words, “I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.” Psalm 16:8 
We met new kids, had new volunteers, and had many heart to heart conversations about God that we know will have a lasting impact!
After the event was over, several volunteers stayed for two hours of fellowship and prayer. 🙏


Each Sunday morning we open the building for a prayer and worship gathering of Believers. We meet from 10am until approximately 3pm. After our service in the chapel we continue in fellowship and prayer over lunch. We were thrilled to see two people added to the family of God when they repented and gave their lives to Jesus at one of our services! They are already growing in their new walk of faith and have the support of their new "family". 



What's coming up…

We are full on in ICT mode! In case you don't yet know, this part of our ministry focuses on training and equipping teenagers to clearly present the hope of Jesus Christ to kids within our surrounding cities. It begins with an intense + thorough training week and is followed by weeks of hands on ministry events. These events take place in the projects and focus on loving the kids + sharing the message of hope. Pretty neat, right?!
