Volunteer Spotlight: Mariah

This week we’re spotlighting one of our awesome Mentor Hope volunteers, Mariah Duran! Mariah has been working with Hope for Kids at Club Hope for almost three years, and has been getting involved with Connect Hope as well! She spends time with many of our middle school-aged girls outside of HFK events: hanging out at Starbucks, bringing them to youth group, and even going rock climbing! Relationship building is such an important part of reaching these kids, and we are so grateful for the way Mariah truly invests herself in their lives.

You can check out our interview with Mariah below!

How did you get involved with Hope for Kids?

I heard about the ministry on the Q99.7!

Can you tell me about the first day you volunteered?

The first day I volunteered I was so nervous! I had signed up for the bus and I felt so unqualified to be involved in these kids’ lives. Another thing I felt was overwhelmed. There was so much happening and I didn’t know what to process.

When did you first start to really click with the kids?

Probably the second or third time. I really debated about not coming back but I wanted to give it another chance and let my emotions dictate. Volunteers don’t generally become comfortable in an instant. It takes time to get to know the kids and to know yourself as a volunteer.

What has been your favorite Hope for Kids story so far?

I hate that question! There are so many stories to choose from. I think my favorite thing about working with Hope for Kids is the faces. Looking around and seeing the faces, remembering moments where you’ve made a difference in their lives, is amazing. One story that stands out is of the first time I reached out to my kids outside of Club Hope and Mentor Hope. I took one of the girls out for her birthday and we just got to hang out, have fun, and get to know each other a little more. At the next Club Hope, she kept constantly talking about how much fun that time had been, almost to the point of making the other girls jealous! She felt so special, and knowing that I had that chance to be an important influence in her life was awesome.

How has God shaped your walk with Him through your time with Hope for Kids?

Ever since being involved with Hope for Kids I’ve been stretched like Laffy Taffy! It’s required me to become really dependent on God for strength–a one-size-fits-all approach really doesn’t work with kids, and I’m always learning. I’ve learned that God has such heart for kids and sensitivity to their tender hearts. He’s teaching me how to be patient, and over time He’s built wisdom and discernment in the way I understand these girls through my interactions with them.

You can ask anyone who knows me: I used to hate kids! Before Hope for Kids, kids were not on my radar. I didn’t really like being around them. But seeing the atmosphere of love and respect that Matt and Erika and the volunteers built for these kids and knowing that this was God’s heart completely transformed me. Now I love kids!

What’s one thing you would want to share with someone who’s new to volunteering?

If I could tell a new volunteer anything, it would be this: you might be scared out of your mind the first day, and that’s okay. Don’t underestimate what God can do through a willing heart to serve Him. You might not see value of the time you spend until years later. God will bless that willingness! He’s blessed me through relationships that have been built with the kids, and a feeling of community and family in the ministry. I’ve been doing this for three years, and I can tell you, it’s worth it!

Volunteer Spotlight: Mark

For this week’s HFK Volunteer Spotlight, we sat down with Mark Danalis, owner of Tommaso’s Ristorante. Check out his interview below!

Mark has done so much for Hope for Kids and we are so thankful for him and his heart for the children of Springfield! He supplies all the food for our Club Hope meals, and he has also given us a challenge as a part of Connect Hope: take one different Hope for Kids family each week to his restaurant for a meal on the house. He and his family will personally serve them and give them (and the volunteers who bring them) a hot meal while demonstrating the love of God to them.

Are you up for it?
Are you a volunteer that has a “favorite” Hope for Kids child?
Are you a prayer sponsor who would like a chance to spend time with that child?
Do you have a heart to help people and a will to be part of the life of a child or family in need?
If so, please contact us at office@hopeforkids.net, or leave a comment under this video!

If this is something that is out of your comfort zone, will you pray? Pray that God would bless Mark, his family, and his restaurant. Pray that God would match just the right volunteers and children together. And pray that God would use this one on one time to draw these precious children to Himself.

Event Hope: Easter Story Walk 2017

This weekend we had the chance to bring twelve of our HFK kids to an Easter Story Walk put on by First Baptist Church! The kids played games, got their faces painted, ate some yummy snacks, and went through six rooms that each told a different part of the true story of Easter. Thank you so much to all who made this day possible!

Check out the photos and video from this awesome event below.

Club Hope: June 2017

Our final Club Hope for the 2017 school year was amazing! We had seventy-three kids in attendance including eleven new kids. Three children gave their lives to Christ! Thank you to all who prayed for this day and the volunteers who made this year’s last Club Hope super fun.

Club Hope: May 2017

Club Hope this weekend was a blast! 79 kids attended, including 14 new kids! 3 children made decisions for Jesus, and God provided all the volunteers we needed – even those we didn’t know we’d need! Check out this post from Jeb and the photo gallery from this month below.

"If you have ever helped out at a Club Hope event before and gone on the bus either for pick up or drop off you know that this is the most stressful time of the event. The roles for our bus monitors include crowd control for the children, giving them wristbands, and building relationships with them. It sounds nice and neat on paper, but those of you who have been there know better than to assume it is smooth sailing. Often the trickiest part can be making sure every child has a wristband so that we know which bus they are to get on for the return trip. But there is something that we do that is not easy by any means, yet really stands out to me as something special.
We write each child’s name on his or her wristband every Club Hope event we have. While this does help us remember their names, I believe it goes beyond just having a quick way to know a child’s name. It shows that they are more than just a headcount, more than another mouth to feed, more than a number. Every child is so unique and significant, and we want them to feel that way! They are constantly bombarded with the lie that they need to be a certain way to fit in or need to do certain things to be accepted, but that is the polar opposite of what God wants for them. He made them differently so that they would, in fact, be DIFFERENT. Even for the regular kids who come all the time, we are sure to write their names on their wristbands because they need to know that we love them for who they are. And more importantly, God loves them for who they are.
Why did this stick out to me? I mean, we have been putting names on their wristbands for a few years now, so why now? I believe that God is reminding me that maybe He isn’t looking for quantity right now. Maybe He is more concerned with the quality. The quality of treatment we give to those that we are currently impacting. The Bible says in Luke 16:10, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…” and right now we are entrusted with a few kids. Will we someday record hundreds of kids at our events? Perhaps. After all that is the big picture goal. But we must first be faithful in what we have now."
- Jeremiah (hfkjeb.wordpress.com)

Club Hope: April 2017

Club Hope this past Saturday was so much fun! We had 69 kids, a huge increase from the past few wintry months! We are so thankful for the nice weather and all the volunteers who worked together to make Club a success.

Club Hope: March 2017

What an awesome month at Club Hope! The kids got to celebrate Pastor Matt’s birthday, eat some delicious english muffin pizzas, learn about Zacchaeus, and watch a Taekwondo demo from the Brown family, our awesome missionary visitors! Thank you to all who made this event possible–we can’t do it without you! See you next month!

Check out our photo gallery and this month’s video below.

Event Hope: Valentine's Day

Our Valentines Day Club Hope event this past Saturday was a huge success thanks to the teamwork of our amazing volunteers! A special thanks to Rachel LaFlamme for decorating Valentines cookies and Bethlehem Church for providing gift bags for the kids to hand out to their moms!

Club Hope: January 2017

Club Hope this past Saturday was so much fun! Thanks to First Baptist Church for hosting our event this month, and as always, thank you to all our amazing volunteers. We couldn’t do it without you! Thank you for sharing hope with these children.